Best Way to Sell Airsoft Rifles

Best Way to Sell Airsoft Rifles

Airsofting is a peachy expensive hobby, then when y'all're washed playing you need to know where to sell airsoft guns (and attachments and gear and…). Only similar buying your first airsoft gun, selling airsoft guns can be a bit catchy if you've never done it before, because yous can absolutely become cheated (boo) and leave coin on the tabular array.

Hither'due south that quick listing of the best places to sell airsoft guns:

  • Airsoft fields and facilities
  • Classified ads
  • Local law enforcement
  • Gun stores
  • Airsoft gun stores
  • To a friend
  • Garage sales
  • Airsoft forums and message boards
  • eBay
  • Craigslist
  • Facebook
  • HopUp App
  • Airsoft Smugglers

But Look! This post non just covers the all-time place to sell airsoft guns, just also the all-time way to sell airsoft guns…so keep reading, quitter. 😛

best place to sell airsoft guns

1. Airsoft Fields and Facilities

If you're a regular to the field, you likely know the owner, employees, and other players. Spread the discussion that you are trying to sell your airsoft gun. Word-of-oral cavity can be an excellent sales mechanism. If there is a bulletin board for putting up flyers, create 1 that lists your gun's specifics, any upgrades, your contact information, and include a bully photo.

ii. Classified Ads

These are typically ads bought and placed in your local newspaper, and most now offering an online version likewise. Additionally, there may be weekly circulars explicitly targeting a specific geographic area or demographic. These may accuse a fee, but information technology may be a expert choice depending on your target heir-apparent.

3. Local Law Enforcement

Military and law enforcement sometimes use airsoft guns for training simulations. Depending on the type of airsoft gun you lot are selling, information technology may be worth checking with your local police department or Sheriff's office to see if they have a use for the blazon you are selling.

4. Gun Stores

Your local gun store may sell airsoft guns, and some may take them in on consignment or buy them outright. Stores typically charge a percent of the sale if taken in on consignment, only it may be worth it to avoid the hassle of dealing with potential buyers. Plus, gun stores have a steady stream of customers already interested in guns.

five. Airsoft Gun Stores

If in that location is an airsoft gun specialty store nearby, this is likewise an excellent place to consider. Their assignment policies are likely similar to that of a regular gun store, and their customers are already interested in buying airsoft guns, especially one that is priced right! Additionally, they likely take trades and then you could become a credit towards a new gun by trading in your old one.

half-dozen. To a Friend (Never to a Foe 🙂 )

Get your friend into airsoft. Invite them to play, loan them a spare or have them rent one, and get them hooked. Then offer to sell them your quondam one!

7. Garage Auction

While this isn't likely the best choice for high-end, custom, or rare airsoft guns, it could be a good place to get rid of cheaper or more common ones. You never know who might decide to purchase an airsoft gun on a whim.

8. Airsoft forums and message boards

You volition reach a much larger audience by listing hither, and it's where you'll find the airsoft gun aficionados. If y'all have a custom gun or one with some high-end modifications, this is where people volition capeesh its value. Yous will probable demand to register to the forum and look specifically for its classified department. Fill up in the information nigh your gun, any special modifications, especially if done professionally, list toll and contact information. Be prepared to negotiate aircraft and payment options, although some may have a congenital-in chapters for both.

nine. eBay

eBay could be a proficient option if yous have a budget gun in excellent condition, just at that place are some downfalls to going this route.

First, is it legal to sell airsoft guns on eBay? Yeah, merely you must follow very specific guidelines. While you'll have an international audience, you'll also have to deal with their return policy and whatever payment option is chosen by your buyer. You must accurately draw your airsoft gun, listing specific details such as type, velocity, pellet size, and weight.

10. Craigslist

Craigslist is a fairly straightforward option for selling locally, specially if you don't want to deal with shipping. Yous can do it on a computer or use the app. Information technology'due south easy to mail, just you will likely have to negotiate on price and work with people to determine a time and place for them to look at your airsoft gun.

To assist in some of this from the beginning, brand sure you accurately and thoroughly describe it. Take quality photos showing all aspects of your airsoft gun.

Make sure you include a way for them to contact you. The downfall of Craigslist is the number of spammers, so a good way to do this is to take the contact information be the automatic email that doesn't show your actual email until you start replying.

xi. Facebook

Similar Craigslist, Facebook is a skillful option for locally selling your airsoft gun, and it now has a shipping choice. You'll want to include good photos and a thorough description to avoid a barrage of questions. If you lot cross-post, exist prepared to reply to people from multiple pages, and keeping track of who was first to inquire can be a hassle. Still, at that place may be less room for them to negotiate if there is a lot of interest!

12. HopUp App

HopUp is a classified app specifically for airsoft guns, ammo, and accessories. It'due south available in the App Store or Google Play. While it's free to list your airsoft gun, the app does charge a 7% transaction fee and a 3% payment processing fee once your item sells, plus shipping if you accuse the buyer. Fees are deducted before payout, which is done once the sale is complete. Equally with other ads, make sure y'all have an accurate title, a skilful clarification including status, price, and at least three quality pictures.

xiii. Airsoft Smugglers

The marketplace is a large online market place to buy, sell, merchandise, and fifty-fifty give airsoft equipment away.

The website is currently run by a small group of airsoft enthusiasts who are dedicated to helping the airsoft community get better equipment and airsoft accessories at an affordable rate.

Best Way to Sell Airsoft Rifles

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